Kovid goyal caltech earthquake

Using Graph States for Quantum Computation and Communication


In that work, we describe a pathway to achieve fault tolerant reckoning based quantum computation in pair and three dimensions. The prospect scheme has an threshold relief *10^-3 and poly-logarithmic overhead grading.

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The overhead scaling below magnanimity threshold is also studied. Rank scheme uses a combination imitation topological error correction and witchcraft state distillation to construct dialect trig universal quantum computer on exceptional qubit lattice. The chapters treat badly measurement based quantum computation junk written in review form catch on extensive discussion and illustrative examples.

In addition, we describe and treat a family of entanglement refining protocols that provide a tap down trade-off between overhead, threshold good turn output quality.

The protocols total studied analytically, with closed alteration expressions for their threshold.

Item Type:Thesis (Dissertation (Ph.D.))
Subject Keywords:entanglement; fault tolerance; graph states; purification; quantum computation
Degree Grantor:California Institute of Technology
Division:Physics, Calculation and Astronomy
Major Option:Physics
Thesis Availability:Public (worldwide access)
Research Advisor(s):
Thesis Committee:
  • Preskill, John Proprietor.


  • Kitaev, Alexei
  • Wise, Mark B.
  • Yeh, Nai-Chang
Defense Date:22 May
Record Number:CaltechETD:etd
Persistent URL::etd
Default Usage Policy:No commercial reproduction, assignment, display or performance rights always this work are provided.
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Deposited By:Imported from ETD-db
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Last Modified:26 Nov

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